TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Hey Albert. Welcome to :-)
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Subject Hey Albert. Welcome to :-)
Posted by ConVerTT on September 09, 2014 at 1:13 PM
  This message has been viewed 474 times.
In Reply To experience at specialty z posted by Alik Deaf Z on September 08, 2014 at 05:20 PM
Message First off, welcome :-)

Second, I understand that it is always upsetting to find out that you've been ripped off. We have all been through it at some point, and it always sucks, regardless of the dollar amount.

Third, in these circumstances it is sometimes difficult to remember to direct your anger at the responsible party, not the next person that you happen to see. "don't shoot the messenger" and all that jazz - in this case SpecialtyZ.

Fourth, you obviously have a difficult decision in front of you. You've dumped a lot of money into a 20 year old car, only to find out that you need to spend a lot more to get it right. Tough decision - I get that ....

And finally, despite the apparent lack of empathy in some of the responses to your post, this is a great site with a wealth of information and people that will be willing to help you sort out your car if you choose to keep it. That includes the guys at SpecialtyZ. (I know first hand. I showed up to tune one year with a vehicle that wasnt properly prepared - they still take my calls LOL).

Good luck with your decision


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